Vestalian cave


Monsters which appear in the cave in the southwest of Vestalia.
Muryan /múryan/
Muryan Monster which belongs to Genus Formica.
Type: insect.
Individual monster index: 2.
Ungoliant /ungóliant/
Ungoliant Monster which belongs to Genus Aranea.
Type: insect.
Individual monster index: 3.
Death cup /déθkʌp/
Death cup Monster which belongs to Genus Fungus.
Type: plant.
Individual monster index: 4.
Dagon /dágon/
Dagon Monster which belongs to Genus Pulpa.
Type: aquatic.
Individual monster index: 5.
Mage zombie /méidʒzɑmbi/
Mage zombie Monster which belongs to Genus Cadaver.
Type: human, rotten.
Individual monster index: 6.
Mud golem /mʌ́dgouləm/
Mud golem Monster which belongs to Genus Lutiservans.
Type: human, mineral.
Individual monster index: 7.
Lichened bear /láikəndbɛɚ/
Lichened bear Monster which belongs to Genus Ursa.
Type: beast.
Individual monster index: 8.
Berzebub /bérzebub/
Berzebub Monster which belongs to the strongest monsters.
Type: insect.
Individual monster index: 9.
(Appears also in the Agnesian cave)