Jungfernian seashore


Monsters which appear in the seashore in the district of Jungfernia.
Jellyfish /dʒélifiʃ/
Jellyfish Monster which belongs to Genus Medusa.
Type: flying, aquatic.
Individual monster index: 2.
(Appears also in the Vestalian, Artemisian and Agnesian seashores)
Himmelsqualle /híməlskvalə/
Himmelsqualle Monster which belongs to Genus Medusa.
Type: flying, aquatic.
Individual monster index: 3.
Seebuer /zé:buer/
Seebuer Monster which belongs to Genus Asteroide.
Type: aquatic.
Individual monster index: 4.
Aspidochelone /aspidokʰélon/
Aspidochelone Monster which belongs to Genus Pulpa.
Type: aquatic.
Individual monster index: 5.
Venussitz /vé:nuszits/
Venussitz Monster which belongs to Genus Valvae.
Type: aquatic.
Individual monster index: 6.
Seeadler /zé:a:dlɚ/
Seeadler Monster which belongs to Genus Aquila.
Type: flying.
Individual monster index: 7.
Fornee /fɔrné:/
Fornee Monster which belongs to Genus Selache.
Type: aquatic.
Individual monster index: 8.
Sea serpent /sí:sə:rpənt/
Sea serpent Monster which belongs to the strongest monsters.
Type: aquatic.
Individual monster index: 9.
(Appears also in the Vestalian, Artemisian and Agnesian seashores)