Agnesian mountain


Monsters which appear in the mountain in the district of Agnesia.
Myrmecoléon /myrmekóleon/
Myrmecoléon Monster which belongs to Genus Formica.
Type: insect.
Individual monster index: 2.
(Appears also in the Vestalian, Artemisian and Jungfernian mountains)
Haute taupe /o:ttó:p/
Haute taupe Monster which belongs to Genus Talpa.
Type: pet.
Individual monster index: 3.
Crabe de palme /krabdəpálm/
Crabe de palme Monster which belongs to Genus Cancer.
Type: aquatic.
Individual monster index: 4.
Poulpe terrien /pulptɛrjɛ̃́/
Poulpe terrien Monster which belongs to Genus Pulpa.
Type: aquatic.
Individual monster index: 5.
Érymanthe /erymɑ̃́t/
Érymanthe Monster which belongs to Genus Aper.
Type: pet.
Individual monster index: 6.
Sytry /sí:tri/
Sytry Monster which belongs to Genus Tigris.
Type: beast.
Individual monster index: 7.
Lion rampant /ljɔ̃rɑ̃pɑ̃́/
Lion rampant Monster which belongs to Genus Leo.
Type: beast.
Individual monster index: 8.
Roc /rók/
Roc Monster which belongs to the strongest monsters.
Type: flying.
Individual monster index: 9.
(Appears also in the Vestalian, Artemisian and Jungfernian mountains)