Agnesian forest


Monsters which appear in the forest in the district of Agnesia.
Giftpilz /gíftpilts/
Giftpilz Monster which belongs to Genus Fungus.
Type: plant.
Individual monster index: 2.
(Appears also in the Vestalian, Artemisian and Jungfernian forests)
Dent-de-lion /dɑ̃dəljɔ̃́/
Dent-de-lion Monster which belongs to Genus Mandragoras.
Type: plant.
Individual monster index: 3.
Crapaud magique /krapomaʒík/
Crapaud magique Monster which belongs to Genus Bufo.
Type: reptile.
Individual monster index: 4.
Victime /viktím/
Victime Monster which belongs to Genus Skeleton.
Type: human, rotten.
Individual monster index: 5.
Satyr /satýr/
Satyr Monster which belongs to Genus Capra.
Type: pet.
Individual monster index: 6.
Hippélaphe /ipeláf/
Hippélaphe Monster which belongs to Genus Equus.
Type: beast.
Individual monster index: 7.
Lac sanguin /laksɑ̃gɛ̃́/
Lac sanguin Monster which belongs to Genus Selache.
Type: aquatic.
Individual monster index: 8.
Green man /grí:nmən/
Green man Monster which belongs to the strongest monsters.
Type: plant.
Individual monster index: 9.
(Appears also in the Vestalian, Artemisian and Jungfernian forests)