Genus Testudo


Monsters with firm crust.
Ramble shell /ŕmblʃel/
Ramble shell Monster which appears in the Parthenian plain.
Type: reptile, aquatic.
Individual monster index: 6.
Shield toad /ʃ:ldtoud/
Shield toad Monster which appears in the Vestalian seashore.
Type: reptaile, aquatic.
Individual monster index: 6.
Marine rooster /mər:nru:stɚ/
Marine rooster Monster which appears in the Artemisian seashore.
Type: reptile, aquatic.
Individual monster index: 6.
Testude /tɛstd/
Testude Monster which appears in the Agnesian seashore.
Type: reptile, aquatic.
Individual monster index: 6.