Genus Canis


Big-sized experiment animals.
They appear in the zoological laboratories of the branch institute.
Flame hound /fléimhaund/
Flame hound Monster which appears in the 1st Zoological Laboratory of the Springs Branch Institute.
Attribute: perfect Ignis.
Type: pet.
Individual monster index: 7.
Frost hound /frɔsthaund/
Frost hound Monster which appears in the 2nd Zoological Laboratory of the Springs Branch Institute.
Attribute: perfect Aqua.
Type: pet.
Individual monster index: 7.
Thunder hound /θʌ́ndɚhaund/
Thunder hound Monster which appears in the 1st Zoological Laboratory of the Lunarsite Branch Institute.
Attribute: perfect Lumen.
Type: pet.
Individual monster index: 7.
Storm hound /stɔ́:rmhaund/
Storm hound Monster which appears in the 1st Zoological Laboratory of the Grassland Branch Institute.
Attribute: perfect Ventus.
Type: pet.
Individual monster index: 7.
Quake hound /kwéikhaund/
Quake hound Monster which appears in the 2nd Zoological Laboratory of the Grassland Branch Institute.
Attribute: perfect Tellus.
Type: pet.
Individual monster index: 7.
Shadow hound /ʃǽdouhaund/
Shadow hound Monster which appears in the 2nd Zoological Laboratory of the Lunarsite Branch Institute.
Attribute: perfect Umbra.
Type: pet.
Individual monster index: 7.