Genus Aper


Monsters which rush on with heavy body.
Daredevil /dɛ́ɚdevəl/
Daredevil Monster which appears in the Parthenian mountain.
Type: pet.
Individual monster index: 6.
Wild orc /wáildɔ:rk/
Wild orc Monster which appears in the Vestalian forest.
Type: pet.
Individual monster index: 6.
Érymanthe /erymɑ̃́t/
Érymanthe Monster which appears in the Agnesian mountain.
Type: pet.
Individual monster index: 6.
Draufgänger /dráufgɛŋɚ/
Draufgänger Monster which appears in the Jungfernian plain.
Type: pet.
Individual monster index: 6.