Genus Antelementum


Gassy monsters which absorb the powers of elements.
They appear in the Labyrinth.
They nullify the damage with the attribute of correspondent element, but sometimes fail to absorb it to the instant death.
Antifire /́ntifaiɚ/
Antifire Monster which appears in the Labyrinth.
Attribute: reverse Ignis.
Type: mineral.
Antiwater /́ntiwɔ:tɚ/
Antiwater Monster which appears in the Labyrinth.
Attribute: reverse Aqua.
Type: mineral.
Antilight /́ntilait/
Antilight Monster which appears in the Labyrinth.
Attribute: reverse Lumen.
Type: mineral.
Antiwind /́ntiwind/
Antiwind Monster which appears in the Labyrinth.
Attribute: reverse Ventus.
Type: mineral.
Antiearth /́ntiə:rθ/
Antiearth Monster which appears in the Labyrinth.
Attribute: reverse Tellus.
Type: mineral.
Antishadow /́ntiʃdou/
Antishadow Monster which appears in the Labyrinth.
Attribute: reverse Umbra.
Type: mineral.