Genus Pulpa


Flexible monsters with 8 tentacles.
Focalor /fókalor/
Focalor Monster which appears in the Parthenian seashore.
Type: aquatic.
Individual monster index: 5.
Dagon /dágon/
Dagon Monster which appears in the Vestalian cave.
Type: aquatic.
Individual monster index: 5.
Poulpe terrien /pulptɛrjɛ̃́/
Poulpe terrien Monster which appears in the Agnesian mountain.
Type: aquatic.
Individual monster index: 5.
Tentacule /tɑ̃takýl/
Tentacule Monster which appears in the Agnesian seashore.
Type: aquatic.
Individual monster index: 5.
Aspidochelone /aspidokʰélon/
Aspidochelone Monster which appears in the Jungfernian seashore.
Type: aquatic.
Individual monster index: 5.