Genus Homunculus


Human-shaped monsters with the largeness of human children.
Homunculus /homúŋkulus/
Homunculus Monster which appears in the Parthenian plain.
Type: human.
Individual monster index: 4.
Imp /ímp/
Imp Monster which appears in the Vestalian forest.
Type: human.
Individual monster index: 4.
Gremlin /grémlin/
Gremlin Monster which appears in the Artemisian plain.
Type: human.
Individual monster index: 5.
Triton /trí:to:n/
Triton Monster which appears in the Agnesian seashore.
Type: human, aquatic.
Individual monster index: 4.
Balrog /bálrog/
Balrog Monster which appears in the Agnesian cave.
Type: human.
Individual monster index: 4.
Goblin /gɑ́blin/
Goblin Monster which appears in the Jungfernian mountain.
Type: human.
Individual monster index: 4.