Genus Umbrivirgo


Girl-shaped monsters with the power of the element "Umbra".
They appear in "the Column of shadow".
Langsuir /lŋswir/
Langsuir Monster which appears in the upper floor "Attic" and "the Column of shadow".
Attribute: perfect Umbra.
Type: human.
(Equivalent to 4.5 as the individual monster index)
Succubus /sʌ́kjəbəs/
Succubus Monster which appears in the upper floor "Attic" and "the Column of shadow".
Attribute: perfect Umbra.
Type: human.
(Equivalent to 4.5 as the individual monster index)
Lilith /lliθ/
Lilith Monster which appears in the lower floor "Cellar" and "the Column of shadow".
Attribute: perfect Umbra.
Type: human.
(Equivalent to 5.5 as the individual monster index)
Dullahan /djləhən/
Dullahan Monster which appears in the lower floor "Cellar" and "the Column of shadow".
Attribute: perfect Umbra.
Type: human, rotten.
(Equivalent to 5.5 as the individual monster index)