Genus Struthio


Birdlike monsters which run on the ground.
Epyornis /epyórnis/
Epyornis Monster which appears in the Parthenian mountain.
Type: flying.
Individual monster index: 7.
Andrealphus /andreálfus/
Andrealphus Monster which appears in the Vestalian forest.
Type: flying.
Individual monster index: 7.
Cockatrice /kɑ́kətris/
Cockatrice Monster which appears in the Agnesian plain.
Type: flying, stone.
Individual monster index: 6.
Coq de mer /kɔkdəmɛ́:r/
Coq de mer Monster which appears in the Agnesian seashore.
Type: flying, aquatic.
Individual monster index: 7.