Summoning level 1


Summoned goddesses cohering one kind of elements.
Salamandra /salamándrə/
Salamandra Deals the whole enemies Ignis-attributive damages by about 500.
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis magics have been acquired.
Undine /undí:nə/
Undine Deals the whole enemies Aqua-attributive damages by about 500.
Able to acquire if all of the Aqua magics have been acquired.
Hemera /he:méra:/
Hemera Deals the whole enemies Lumen-attributive damages by about 500.
Able to acquire if all of the Lumen magics have been acquired.
Sylph /sílf/
Sylph Deals the whole enemies Ventus-attributive damages by about 500.
Able to acquire if all of the Ventus magics have been acquired.
Gnomie /nóumi/
Gnomie Deals the whole enemies Tellus-attributive damages by about 500.
Able to acquire if all of the Tellus magics have been acquired.
Nyx /nýks/
Nyx Deals the whole enemies Umbra-attributive damages by about 500.
Able to acquire if all of the Umbra magics have been acquired.