Wands 1


Weaker wands.
They are available in the early stage.
Wand /wɑ́nd/
Wand Mina's initial equipped weapon.
Classification code BA0.
Bamboo cane /bæmbú:kein/
Bamboo cane Special effect to the insect type.
Classification code BA1.
Bonebreaker /bóunbreikɚ/
Bonebreaker Reduces the maximum HP by half the damage.
Classification code BA2.
Burning glass /bə́:rniŋglæs/
Burning glass Ignis attributive.
Classification code BA3.
Bucephalos /bu:sefalós/
Bucephalos The power does not decline even from the long distance.
Classification code BA4.
Swagger cane /swǽgɚkein/
Swagger cane The strongest wand in the Chapter 1.
Classification code BA5.
Crosier /króuʒɚ/
Crosier (property undecided)
Classification code BA6.
Astrologue /ǽstrəloug/
Astrologue (property undecided)
Classification code BA7.