Javelins 4


Stronger javelins.
They are available from the Chapter 3.
Trebuchet /trébjuʃet/
Trebuchet The damage inclines proportionally to the HP.
Classification code AD0.
Pinnacle /pínəkl/
Pinnacle (property undecided)
Classification code AD1.
Dragoon lance /drəgú:nlæns/
Dragoon lance The second strongest javelin.
Classification code AD2.
Trident /tráidənt/
Trident Aqua attributive.
Special effect to the aquatic type.
Classification code AD3.
Oriflamme /&$596;&$769;rəflæm/
Oriflamme Lumen attributive.
Classification code AD4.
Gungnir /guŋnír/
Gungnir Umbra attributive.
Special effect to the nordic type.
Classification code AD5.
Longinus /lóŋginus/
Longinus (property undecided)
Classification code AD6.
Crystal lance /krístəllæns/
Crystal lance The strongest javelin.
Classification code AD7.