Javelins 3


A bit stronger javelins.
They are available in the latter half of the Chapter 2.
Valkyrie spear /vćlkíərispiɚ/
Valkyrie spear ? ?
Ventus attributive.
Classification code AC0.
Pilum /pí:lum/
Pilum (property undecided)
Classification code AC1.
Broachspire /bróutʃspaiɚ/
Broachspire The quickness is slightly reduced.
The power declines from the long distance.
Classification code AC2.
Obelisk /ɑ́bəlisk/
Obelisk Tellus attributive.
Classification code AC3.
Partisan /pɑ́:rtizən/
Partisan Special effect to humans or the human type.
Classification code AC4.
Pyrrhogaisos /pyrʰogaisós/
Pyrrhogaisos Ignis attributive.
Classification code AC5.
Unicorn /jú:nəkɔ:rn/
Unicorn The exactness revision is big.
Classification code AC6.
Amazonian /ćməzóuniən/
Amazonian Special effect to the beast type.
Classification code AC7.