Daggers 4


Stronger daggers.
They are available from the Chapter 3.
Betrayer /bitréiɚ/
Betrayer Reduces the maximum HP by a quarter of the damage.
Classification code ED0.
Main gauche /mɛ̃gó:ʃ/
Main gauche (property undecided)
Classification code ED1.
Death bringer /déθbriŋɚ/
Death bringer The second strongest dagger.
Classification code ED2.
Swordbreaker /sɔ́:rdbreikɚ/
Swordbreaker The physical avoidability is raised.
Classification code ED3.
Akinakes /akinákes/
Akinakes Tellus attributive.
Classification code ED4.
Dragon scale /drǽgənskeil/
Dragon scale Special effect to the stone type.
Classification code ED5.
Princess guard /prínsesgɑ:rd/
Princess guard The defensivities are raised.
The exactness revision is big.
Classification code ED6.
Crystal dagger /krístəldægɚ/
Crystal dagger The strongest dagger.
Classification code ED7.