Daggers 3


A bit stronger daggers.
They are available in the latter half of the Chapter 2.
Blood sucker /blʌ́dsʌkɚ/
Blood sucker Aqua attributive.
Absorbs half the damage.
Classification code EC0.
Crescent /krésənt/
Crescent Lumen attributive.
Classification code EC1.
Manslayer /mǽnsleiɚ/
Manslayer Special effect to humans or the human type.
Classification code EC2.
Flame dagger /fléimdægɚ/
Flame dagger Ignis attributive.
Classification code EC3.
Obsidian /əbsídiən/
Obsidian Umbra attributive.
Classification code EC4.
Eagle beak /í:glbi:k/
Eagle beak Ventus attributive.
Classification code EC5.
Dancer's dagger /dǽnsɚsdægɚ/
Dancer's dagger The power does not decline even from the long distance.
The quickness is raised.
Classification code EC6.
Spicule /spáikju:l/
Spicule (property undecided)
Classification code EC7.