Daggers 1


Weaker daggers.
They are available in the early stage.
Dagger /dǽgɚ/
Dagger Silfis's initial equipped weapon.
Classification code EA0.
Snatcher /snǽtʃɚ/
Snatcher (property undecided)
Classification code EA1.
Fruit knife /frú:tnaif/
Fruit knife Special effect to the plant type.
Classification code EA2.
Panga /páŋgə/
Panga (property undecided)
Classification code EA3.
Pen knife /pénnaif/
Pen knife (property undecided)
Classification code EA4.
Air cutter /ɛ́ɚkʌtɚ/
Air cutter The strongest dagger in the Chapter 1.
Classification code EA5.
Stiletto /stilétto/
Stiletto The power does not decline even from the long distance.
Classification code EA6.
Chopper /tʃɑ́pɚ/
Chopper (property undecided)
Classification code EA7.