Clubs 3


A bit stronger clubs.
They are available in the latter half of the Chapter 2.
Holy mace /hóulimeis/
Holy mace Lumen attributive.
Classification code DC0.
War club /wɔ́:rklʌb/
War club The power declines from the long distance.
Classification code DC1.
Tempest /témpist/
Tempest Ventus attributive.
Classification code DC2.
Lailaps /lailáps/
Lailaps Special effect to the flying type.
Classification code DC3.
Morning-star /mɔ́:rniŋstɑ:r/
Morning-star (property undecided)
Classification code DC4.
Spinifex /spínəfeks/
Spinifex Tellus attributive.
Reduces the maximum HP by half the damage.
Classification code DC5.
Sistrum /sístrəm/
Sistrum The power declines from the long distance.
The exactness revision is big.
Classification code DC6.
Scorpion /skɔ́:rpiən/
Scorpion Makes the target poisoned.
Classification code DC7.