Boomerangs 4


Stronger boomerangs.
They are available from the Chapter 3.
Star stream /stɑ́:rstri:m/
Star stream (property undecided)
Classification code CD0.
Spline /spláin/
Spline Special effect to the flying type.
Classification code CD1.
Rising sun /ráiziŋsʌn/
Rising sun The second strongest boomerang.
Classification code CD2.
Swastika /sváskikə/
Swastika Special effect to the rotten type.
Classification code CD3.
Cynthia shine /sínθiəʃain/
Cynthia shine Lumen attributive.
The exactness revision is big.
Classification code CD4.
Buphagos /bu:pʰagós/
Buphagos Umbra attributive.
Special effect to the beast type.
Classification code CD5.
Chronic scythe /krɑ́niksaið/
Chronic scythe The quickness is slightly reduced.
The power declines from the long distance.
Classification code CD6.
Crystal edge /krístəledʒ/
Crystal edge The strongest boomerang.
Classification code CD7.