Boomerangs 3


A bit stronger boomerangs.
They are available in the latter half of the Chapter 2.
Wing burner /wíŋbə:rnɚ/
Wing burner Ignis attributive.
Classification code CC0.
Cygnus wing /sígnəswiŋ/
Cygnus wing Special effect to the flying type.
Classification code CC1.
Platinum disc /plǽtənəmdisk/
Platinum disc (property undecided)
Classification code CC2.
Cinquefoil /síŋkfɔil/
Cinquefoil 5-time-serial attacks.
Classification code CC3.
Air screamer /ɛ́ɚskri:mɚ/
Air screamer Makes the target confused.
Classification code CC4.
Tomahawk /tɑ́məhɔ:k/
Tomahawk Tellus attributive.
Classification code CC5.
Tornado /tɔ:rnéidou/
Tornado Ventus attributive.
Classification code CC6.
Headhunter /hédhʌntɚ/
Headhunter Reduces the maximum HP by half the damage.
Classification code CC7.