Magic veils


Items which halve the damages.
Erythroveil /irθrəveil/
Erythroveil Item which halves Aqua-attributive damages.
Has a similar effect to the Ignis magic "Flare-veil".
Classification code YK0.
Cyanoveil /saínəveil/
Cyanoveil Item which halves Ignis-attributive damages.
Has a similar effect to the Aqua magic "Icing-veil".
Classification code YK1.
Leucoveil /l:kəveil /
Leucoveil Item which halves Umbra-attributive damages.
Has a similar effect to the Lumen magic "Glare-veil".
Classification code YK2.
Xanthoveil /źnθəveil/
Xanthoveil Item which halves Tellus-attributive damages.
Has a similar effect to the Ventus magic "Blowe-veil".
Classification code YK3.
Chloroveil /klɔ:rəveil/
Chloroveil Item which halves Ventus-attributive damages.
Has a similar effect to the Tellus magic "Earth-veil".
Classification code YK4.
Melanoveil /məĺnəveil/
Melanoveil Item which halves Lumen-attributive damages.
Has a similar effect to the Umbra magic "Darke-veil".
Classification code YK5.
(undecided) -
(undecided) (undedided)
Classification code YK6.
(undecided) -
(undecided) (undecided)
Classification code YK7.