

Items which increase the battle parameters.
Salamen breath /śləmənbreθ/
Salamen breath Item which increases the physical offensivity of a target.
Has a similar effect to the Ignis magic "Sault-uppe".
Classification code YI0.
Mermen tear /mə́:rməntiɚ/
Mermen tear Item which increases the magical defensivity of a target.
Has a similar effect to the Aqua magic "Durie-uppe".
Classification code YI1.
Selen look /slənlk/
Selen look Item which increases the magical offensivity of a target.
Has a similar effect to the Lumen magic "Actie-uppe".
Classification code YI2.
Apsen breath /́psənbreθ/
Apsen breath Item which increases the physical avoidability of a target.
Has a similar effect to the Ventus magic "Voide-uppe".
Classification code YI3.
Elfen hair /lfənhɛɚ/
Elfen hair Item which increases the physical defensivity of a target.
Has a similar effect to the Tellus magic "Tecte-uppe".
Classification code YI4.
Persen prayer /pə́:rsənprɛɚ/
Persen prayer Item which increases the magical avoidability of a target.
Has a similar effect to the Umbra magic "Hidie-uppe".
Classification code YI5.
(undecided) -
(undecided) (undedided)
Classification code YI6.
(undecided) -
(undecided) (undecided)
Classification code YI7.