Middle magic items


Items with equivalent effects to middle offensive magics.
Raw ruby /rɔ́:ru:bi/
Raw ruby Item which deals Ignis-attributive damages by about 150.
Has a similar effect to the Ignis magic "High-flame".
Raise the Ignis EP by 5 when used outside of battles.
Classification code YF0.
Raw sapphire /rɔ́:s詛aiɚ/
Raw sapphire Item which deals Aqua-attributive damages by about 150.
Has a similar effect to the Aqua magic "High-freez".
Raise the Aqua EP by 5 when used outside of battles.
Classification code YF1.
Raw opal /rɔ́:oupəl/
Raw opal Item which deals Lumen-attributive damages by about 150.
Has a similar effect to the Lumen magic "High-spark".
Raise the Lumen EP by 5 when used outside of battles.
Classification code YF2.
Raw topaz /rɔ́:toup諂/
Raw topaz Item which deals Ventus-attributive damages by about 150.
Has a similar effect to the Ventus magic "High-storm".
Raise the Ventus EP by 5 when used outside of battles.
Classification code YF3.
Raw emerald /rɔ́:emərəld/
Raw emerald Item which deals Tellus-attributive damages by about 150.
Has a similar effect to the Tellus magic "High-quake".
Raise the Tellus EP by 5 when used outside of battles.
Classification code YF4.
Raw amethyst /rɔ́:詢iθist/
Raw amethyst Item which deals Umbra-attributive damages by about 150.
Has a similar effect to the Umbra magic "High-shade".
Raise the Umbra EP by 5 when used outside of battles.
Classification code YF5.
(undecided) -
(undecided) (undedided)
Classification code YF6.
(undecided) -
(undecided) (undecided)
Classification code YF7.