Resuscitative medicines


Items which restore from inactivity.
Magic smoke /mǽdʒiksmouk/
Magic smoke Item which breaks the battle off forcibly.
Classification code YB0.
Amaranthus /ǽmərænθəs/
Amaranthus Item which revives the target in a faint.
HP gets restored by a quarter of the maximum HP.
Has a similar effect to the restorational magic "Reviv".
Classification code YB1.
Ambrosia /ambrosía/
Ambrosia Item which restores HP of the target fully.
Classification code YB2.
Amrita /ámrita/
Amrita Item which revives the target in a faint.
HP gets restored fully.
Has a similar effect to the absorptional magic "High-reviv".
Classification code YB3.
Phoenix /fí:niks/
Phoenix Item which revives the members in a faint in the whole party.
HP's get restored by a quarter of the maximum HP.
Classification code YB4.
Sage stone /séidʒstoun/
Sage stone Item which restores HP's of the whole party fully.
Classification code YB5.
Yggdrasil /ygdrásil/
Yggdrasil Item which revives the members in a faint and restores HP's of the whole party fully.
Classification code YB6.
Cosmic tear /kɑ́zmiktiɚ/
Cosmic tear Item which revives the members in a faint and restores HP's, MP's and SP's of the whole party fully.
Classification code YB7.