Provocative medicines


Items which cause status anomalies.
Agitator /dʒiteitɚ/
Agitator Item which provokes the target to excitement.
Has a similar effect to the Ignis magic "En-furie".
Classification code YD0.
Dormitive /dɔ́:rmitiv/
Dormitive Item which provokes the target to sleep.
Has a similar effect to the Aqua magic "En-sleep".
Classification code YD1.
Stiffener /stfənɚ/
Stiffener Item which provokes the target to stiffening.
Has a similar effect to the Lumen magic "En-stunn".
Classification code YD2.
Confuser /kənfj:zɚ/
Confuser Item which provokes the target to derangement.
Has a similar effect to the Ventus magic "En-fusie".
Classification code YD3.
Aerosol bomb /ɛ́ərəsɔlbɑm/
Aerosol bomb Item which provokes the target to silence.
Has a similar effect to the Tellus magic "En-mutie".
Classification code YD4.
Potion /puʃən/
Potion Item which provokes the target to poisoning.
Has a similar effect to the Umbra magic "En-poisn".
Classification code YD5.
(undecided) -
(undecided) (undedided)
Classification code YD6.
(undecided) -
(undecided) (undecided)
Classification code YD7.