Set in the hagoromo


Figures modeled on members of Jewelryeyes in the Hagoromo.
F: Salamandrine /éf sæləmǽndrin/
F: Salamandrine Figure modeled on Pÿris in "Salamandrine"(KC0).
Pÿris-model of the set in the hagoromo, and the sixth version of the Pÿris series (show version).
F: Mermaidia /éf mə:rméidiə/
F: Mermaidia Figure modeled on Mina in "Mermaidia"(KC1).
Mina-model of the set in the hagoromo, and the sixth version of the Mina series (show version).
F: Selenic chiton /éf silí:nikkaitən/
F: Selenic chiton Figure modeled on Lutié in "Selenic chiton"(KC2).
Lutié-model of the set in the hagoromo, and the sixth version of the Lutié series (show version).
F: Heavenly robe /éf hévənliroub/
F: Heavenly robe Figure modeled on Cephire in "Heavenly robe"(KC3).
Cephire-model of the set in the hagoromo, and the sixth version of the Cephire series (show version).
F: Fairy cloth /éf fɛ́əriklɔ:θ/
F: Fairy cloth Figure modeled on Silfis in "Fairy cloth"(KC4).
Silfis-model of the set in the hagoromo, and the sixth version of the Silfis series (show version).
F: Dark bride /éf dɑ́:rkbraid/
F: Dark bride Figure modeled on Erine in "Dark bride"(KC5).
Erine-model of the set in the hagoromo, and the sixth version of the Erine series (show version).