Lutié series


Figures modeled on Lutié in costumes which are easily available.
F: Lutié /éf lú:tie/
F: Lutié Figure modeled on Lutié in "Sailor wear"(IA2).
Lutié-model of the set in the sailor wear, and the first version of the Lutié series (show version).
F: Tennis wear /éf téniswɛɚ/
F: Tennis wear Figure modeled on Lutié in "Tennis wear"(IC2).
Lutié-model of the set in the training kit, and the second version of the Lutié series (show version).
F: Margarita /éf margarí:tə/
F: Margarita Figure modeled on Lutié in "Margarita"(JA2).
Lutié-model of the set in the bikini wear, and the third version of the Lutié series (show version).
F: Tunic /éf tjú:nik/
F: Tunic Figure modeled on Lutié in "Tunic"(JC2).
Lutié-model of the set in the bunny suit, and the fourth version of the Lutié series (show version).
F: Debutante /éf debytɑ̃́:t/
F: Debutante Figure modeled on Lutié in "Debutante"(KA2).
Lutié-model of the set in the day dress, and the fifth version of the Lutié series (show version).
F: Selenic chiton /éf silí:nikkaitən/
F: Selenic chiton Figure modeled on Lutié in "Selenic chiton"(KC2).
Lutié-model of the set in the hagoromo, and the sixth version of the Lutié series (show version).