Silfis series (secret)


Figures modeled on Silfis in costumes which are hardly available.
F: Viridia sailor /éf virídiəseilɚ/
F: Viridia sailor Figure modeled on Silfis in "Viridia sailor"(IB4).
Silfis-model of the set in the warrior suit, and the first version of the Silfis series (secret version).
F: Prima donna /éf primədónnə/
F: Prima donna Figure modeled on Silfis in "Prima donna"(ID4).
Silfis-model of the set in the meet kit, and the second version of the Silfis series (secret version).
F: Green horrett /éf grí:nhɑrit/
F: Green horrett Figure modeled on Silfis in "Green horrett"(JB4).
Silfis-model of the set in the onepiece, and the third version of the Silfis series (secret version).
F: Tolerance /éf tɑ́lərəns/
F: Tolerance Figure modeled on Silfis in "Tolerance"(JD4).
Silfis-model of the set in the maid dress, and the fourth version of the Silfis series (secret version).
F: Floral dress /éf flɔ́:rəldres/
F: Floral dress Figure modeled on Silfis in "Floral dress"(KB4).
Silfis-model of the set in the evening dress, and the fifth version of the Silfis series (secret version).
F: Katsuragi Konoha /éf katsɯraŋí kónoha/
F: Katsuragi Konoha Figure modeled on Silfis in "Legendary sailor"(KD4).
Silfis-model of the set of the Colonist, and the sixth version of the Silfis series (secret version).